Tech Policy Updates – Inaugural Post

In this blog section, I am going to share links, information, excerpts and short opinions about niche tech industries I care about and I’m involved with. They are:

  • Creator economy (content)
  • Social media platforms
  • Tech and elections, campaigning
  • Online journalism
  • Web3 and data privacy regulations
  • Global trade on the internet
  • Censorship and laws limited online freedom of speech and digital rights

In my blog, readers can expect a wealth of insights, opinions, and resources about various niche tech industries from a seasoned systems engineer and community organizer — me. Ahmed brings his extensive experience in internet service ventures, project management, policy research, and cybersecurity to the table, covering topics such as the creator economy, social media platforms, tech and elections, Web3 and data privacy regulations, global trade on the internet, and online freedom of speech and digital rights.

Drawing from my professional roles in academia, civil society, and the tech industry, I will share my perspectives and expertise on these critical issues, referencing his work on transparency and content governance, tech policy agendas, misinformation, content moderation, and digital rights. My professional journey has taken him from a systems engineer to a community leader and independent management consultant. In my inaugural blog post, I explain my journey from e-commerce to building coalitions on the proliferation of misinformation and disinformation online.

Readers can look forward to gaining a deeper understanding of the tech industry’s nuances and challenges, as I leverage his deep knowledge and experience to shed light on these complex subjects.

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